Happy Anniversary Colorado

Today marks one year of me being in Colorado. I've wondered so many times if I made the right decision to quit a stable job, leave the places I had cultivated as my home away from home, and move myself miles and miles away. Away from my friends and family - my support system. Away... Continue Reading →

Arm Me With

I've watched the country deal with yet another school shooting. Lives were taken, again, in a space where kids should feel safe. Safe to go to school. Safe to make new friends. Safe to be themselves. Yet, this safe space has been compromised. Again. I honestly think this safe space has been permanently effected. Even... Continue Reading →

A Look Into an Educator’s Heart

I could say that I've spent my entire post-undergraduate career within the environmental education field, and it wouldn't be an incorrect statement. Within the past six years (holy moly I'm old now) I have worked with children of varying ages, backgrounds, and needs, in the classroom and a variety of outdoor settings including nature centers, residential... Continue Reading →

Be Still

I have the privilege of doing what I love in a place that I love. I love nothing more than acting like a mama duck with all my ducklings, ahem, students, trailing along behind me. I love teaching and having the opportunity to share my love of the outdoors with my students. (Whether or not... Continue Reading →

Dropping Some Beets

This just in: I'm adding "gardener" to my repertoire. Don't worry, I won't be on an HGTV gardening show any time soon, because I literally know next to nothing about gardening. Or plants. Despite my love for nature and the outdoors, plant identification is not my forte and I am terrible at keeping plants alive.... Continue Reading →

2015, here we go

Now is the time of year when New Year's Resolutions are in full swing. I'm not usually a resolution maker, but a recent conversation with a friend changed my perspective. Call them resolutions or whatever, but I made a list of things I would like to do in 2015. Here's a quick snapshot of some... Continue Reading →

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